Co-editors: Seán Mac Mathúna John Heathcote
Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis
Field Correspondent: Allen HouglandLESSER OF MANY EVILS ?
John Heathcote and Seán Mac Mathúna
because of the 'postal vote' - which because of the Freedom of
Information Act and the paper trail should be easier to disclose
election theft than the electronic fraud perpetrated in the USA
in 2004. Although,
as we know, the War would - and did - eventually become the dark
shadow hanging over the whole campaign; what is most relevant
to our future and that of our children, is of course, the environment. Hardly anything
said by the two main parties, except the pathetic idea that we
might return to the nuclear age; but we all know that the oil
is running out, the planet is turning toxic, and our best hope
for the future is a return to the stone-age. . . Massive Blair Majority Bad news for people of Britain
and probably many more people world over - some small country
in the Middle East will end up looking like the ruins of Iraq
- attack on Iran possible - increasing privatisation of public
services by backdoor continue - Blair serves three years - sale
of all council housing - remember Dr.David Kelly - remember Blunkett,
ID cards, third-world nannies, son of Mosely and his tobacco money,
and all those androids like the Ruth Kelly Opus Dei supporters.
New Labour is the Clockwork Orange Hung
Parliament Probably no chance Liberals will
do deal with Tories - so would be a chance for the currently only
left-of-centre party do a deal with the New Labour project. Would
probably lead to a change of leadership at the top of the New
Labour Party -Brown for Blair, Straw demoted - Liberal policies
on environment, drugs - Legalise Cannabis - and local income tax
worth voting for . . .However, privatisation of public utilities
still continue, although Liberals prepared to raise top rate of
tax on greedy few . . .Government would probably only last for
three years unless Establishment managed to compromise or replace
Liberal leadership. (They are not really prepared for this). Any
foreign wars would be hard to wage, but terror quotient might
be allowed to rise to get the ID cards through . . . Small
Tory Majority over divided Centre-Left If the Tories win then this is
even worse for the British people - a return to the even more
harsh policies of Thatcherism. The US will interpret this as a
vote of support for their policies and the next stage of the war
on terror will begin its 2nd stage. It is highly likely that an
attack on Iran or even Syria will follow - as has been reported
in the press. A Tory victory will accelerate the arrival oaf full-blown
totalitarian state in the UK and even more erosion of what remains
of the Welfare state and civil rights. It is a nightmare scenario
as once the Tories have "won" the election they could
be in power for another 2 decades. It is something not worth contemplating. We predict a Labour majority
of 30-60 seats, and a massive increase in the Liberal Democrat
vote. Hopefully, both the Greens and
Respect (George Galloway) might get a seat in a perfect world
. . Both Plaid and the SNP should benefit
from the anti-War, pro-Socialist vote . . and good luck to King
Arthur (Scargill) of Barnsley. A great Manifesto . . .!