Co-editors: Seán Mac Mathúna John Heathcote Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis Field Correspondent: Allen Hougland e-mail:
EDITORIAL War in the Balkans John Heathcote Jack Cade: From The Transformation of Medieval England John A F Johnson Bibliography George C. Andrews From Within the Crystal Skull George C. Andrews High Strangeness in the Relationship Between Mainstream Science and UFOs George C. Andrews Europe's Search for a New Credo Klaus Mann Klaus Mann (1906-1949) Seán Mac Mathúna Reggae and Dub Bob Baines A Short History of Music in South London John Heathcote George Morse: Poet and Filmaker Themistocles Hoetis On the Death of George Moorse Fritz Göttler Who was responsible for the market place massacres in Sarajevo ? Seán Mac Mathúna PREVIOUS ISSUES | WEB LINKS PAGE | READER'S COMMENTS | BACK TO FLAME ARCHIVE HOME |INDEX OF ISSUES 1-10